Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's been a while...

I guess that means I have a very uneventful life...just the way I like it.

Some things I've noticed lately:

-Improved technology for weather prediction has turned meteorologists into fear-mongering drama queens. I was very entertained by the city's news conference today. The main message was "Huh. Isn't as bad as we thought it would be. But we'll stay on top of it anyway."

-Messing with your hormones has some longer term effects than I expected. Hurray to smaller pores and the temporary banishment of breakouts! Boo to f'ed up cycles.

-I am getting older and it's becoming apparent. I move slower. My reaction times are slower. I am becoming more likely to say f'ed up than fucked up. I don't retain information as well as I used to. We had training at work last week, and things that I know I would have absorbed readily 5 years ago, I'm having trouble remembering. I'm actually going to have to go back through my notes (at least I took some!) and organize the information for when I'll need it again.

-I've read some really entertaining books lately. First, Melissa Ford's Life from Scratch, then Carrie Vaughn's Discord's Apple, and finally, Ann Mah's Kitchen Chinese. I have not been in the mood for anything dark or heavy...and these suited my mood. And no one has given me anything to say that I liked them either.

Off to check on the state of the weather...I took a snow/ice day today, and I might take another one tomorrow...


  1. Funny - when you mentioned the meteorologists I was thinking you must be in Australia and was puzzling because I thought you were in the US - and sure enough it's because of snow/ice instead of tropical cyclones and record heat waves! I wish I could take a snow/ice day. I enjoyed Life from Scratch too - just what I needed one night when the husband was out and I had the house alone for onece.

  2. I'm feeling slower as well, and while that hasn't really affected my use of the phrase 'fucked up'...I'm getting a little worried about my sailor's mouth around the little one. His first word may be of the four letter variety at the rate I'm going.....

  3. Peaceful, uneventful, and with good books. I like.

  4. Oh me too - ageing. My knees hurt!
    My brain is mush!
    Snow day? Mmm, enforced inactivity, sounds so good.

  5. You sound wintery, actually. Homey!

  6. All I've been reading are training books lately.: ( Though I am reading Slow Fat Triathlete right now and it's hilarious.
    My retention became sieve-like with my first dose of clomid and has not returned. It's very frustrating. Unless you're talking about water and fat, in those cases I'm ahead of the curve. : )
    It's below zero. Some folks are telling me their thermometers are reading in the -20's with out the windchill!
    Enjoy your snow day!

  7. I am also reading Melissa's book...loving it. I am so right with ya on the age observations...what the hell right!

  8. it has been a while.

    small pores for the win!

  9. You aren't kidding about the weather people!

  10. Love the meteorologist bit. I think you might also enjoy my blog.

  11. Holy smokes! HI!

    We haven't had inclement weather here in SoCal, but I just got back from Texas, and it's a nightmare there. One of my friends was complaining that they were playing ominous music during the weather forecast portions of the news. drama!

    I've always been slow...dang it, I can't blame age. I very often call my husband to tell him something very important and when he picks up, I don't know what it is. We hang up. I remember. I call back. I forget again. My family is very lucky to have me as a member, doncha think?

  12. Holy smokes! HI!

    We haven't had inclement weather here in SoCal, but I just got back from Texas, and it's a nightmare there. One of my friends was complaining that they were playing ominous music during the weather forecast portions of the news. drama!

    I've always been slow...dang it, I can't blame age. I very often call my husband to tell him something very important and when he picks up, I don't know what it is. We hang up. I remember. I call back. I forget again. My family is very lucky to have me as a member, doncha think?

  13. Cracked up with the first one because I was talking about this yesterday -- plus, last year's snow storm has made me twitchy.

    Oooh, that book by Melissa Ford sounds great :-)

  14. Welcome back!

    A snow/ice day? Wow! Here we need cyclone/flood/heatwave days!

    I hear you on the long term affects of messin' about with the ole hormones.

    Gotta get me that Melissa Ford's book!

    LS x

  15. Welcome back and my life has been much too eventful to spend any significant time in blogland. I think of you often and send my best to the family. Ah, the perfect storm of hormones, age, and kiddos sucks the I.Q. right outta all of us. ;o)

  16. Thanks for your comment.. Dang when I came over to check your blog I see you've had a rough time of it too lately. I hope things are settling down now with the insurance company, your whiplash improves, and your husband is safe.
