Sunday, February 27, 2011

And you thought you were having a bad week...(Updated)

On Thursday, I got rear-ended on my way home from work. Spent Friday being irritated by the insurance company. If they don't straighten up and stop annoying me, they will be the subject of another post. I suspect my car may also be totalled. And I have whiplash, which is not healing like it did when I was 19.

On Saturday, my 3 month old computer broke. I have to send it in for repairs. This is going to be very annoying because I have to use my old computer for a couple weeks. My old computer gets hot when I use it and is really slow. I also get internet road rage.

On Tuesday, my husband goes back to work. In Iraq. And then possibly Afghanistan.

On the plus side, well, I can't think of a plus side right now. I was going to say things couldn't get much worse, but that's like inviting trouble.

Perhaps there will be sunshine and roses next week...

Anyone want to buy a 2005 Nissan Maxima in silver? Low miles! New paint! ETA: Now with hail damage! (I assume)

To top it all off, last night we had severe weather which ripped several shingles off of our roof. Not sure if the universe is targeting me or my insurance company...


  1. Your week is officially a billion times worse than mine. :-( Sorry!

  2. Oh man, that's one bashed up boot! My week is definitely NOT as bad as yours. Grr about computer problems so soon in your ownership. Irritating beyond belief. And as for insurance companies...

    Let's hope your fortune (and mood) improve very shortly!

  3. Oh my fuck! Wow. That's all very horrid. Good luck.

  4. O bloody hell - it doesn't rain, but it pours. Ow, poor neck. And boot. And husband.

    Hoping better times are around the corner..

  5. Oh man what a crappy week but I am so glad you weren't seriously hurt.

    I pray this week is 10X better.

  6. Bad things come in 3's. You are done.

  7. Ah shit! Get that whiplash checked out.

    I think you're done with the bad luck now.

  8. Holy crap (especially with the visual of the car). Sending good thoughts that the week gets better. Because, shit, it really can't get worse. Right? (spitting on the ground or whatever one must do in order to not anger the gods).

  9. Holy shite! I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. Not that whiplash is nothing. I wish your husband didn't need to go back.
    I hope you're serving of craptacular events is over and things start turning around.

  10. babe,

    i am so sorry to hear about this series of unfortunate events. i dropped my computer on my husband's foot yesterday and he hasn't looked my way since, but really, who cares about can i help you?!?!

  11. Oh Good God OK that is spectacularly a bad week. I mean, just one of those would equal a really quite foul week, thank you, especially husband going to Iraq (thinking of you and him). But ALL that? And the state of the car makes me feel quite sweaty. Your poor poor neck. OW.

  12. Yup, that qualifies as a seriously crappy week! I hope the whiplash gets better soon. Oww!

  13. ok, i'll stop bitching in the blogosphere.

    here's hoping that your NEXT week is fabulous. i think you deserve it.

  14. Oh NO! I am sorry I am just now seeing this--ugh. So sorry.

  15. OK. This post was a fortnight ago (Cassandra just used that word and now it's in my consciousness) and I'm hoping that things have gotten better by now.

    That was a pretty crappy week. Props for that?

  16. Oh, thats NOT a good week at all!!! :(

  17. Holy Guacamole, glad you are okay and feel better soon. Grr companies. ((HUGS)) for everything, especially hubby.

  18. hoping the bad luck has subsided.
