Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Captcha, now Wordpress

It would appear that there is a giant conspiracy on the internet these days.  First, it was the infamous Captcha, which annoys commenters everywhere.  Speaking of which, why do those letters have to be all squished and stretched, anyway?  Is there some sort of spambot reading machine that can read the letters if you don't skew them?  NOBODY can read them and we can't all be robots...

And now wordpress tells me that there is a wordpress account associated with my email address.  Yes, I know.  But, wordpress, you never let me log in to that account.  You tell me the username is bad.  You tell me the password is incorrect.  And never before has it prevented me from leaving a comment.

I'm seeing a trend...the internet does not want anyone leaving comments anymore!


  1. Wordpress is being an idiot all over again. I've been saving a post since last week, and all it saved was the first two words. And I had an entire list of complaints to share! Argh!

  2. I absolutely HATE having to mess with Captcha. Hate, hate, HATE it...and it has caused me to NOT leave comments more than once.

  3. Captcha has been widdling on me all week. All that wit and wisdom I could have poured forth on so many blogs, consigned to Captcha oblivion.

    And I have noticed, since its upgrade, that quite a few of my blog-friends are being tormented and rejected by Wordpress. Hardly a spiffy upgrade, then, is it? GAH.

  4. Well at least now I know how you are doing. :) Was wondering!

  5. I've taken off captcha from my blog and never had to contend with lots of spam comments. (Now I am worried my blog isn't popular enough -WHY DON'T THEY WANT TO SPAM ME?)

    Let's see if this comment shows up.

    1. I got more spam with the captcha enabled!

    2. Dude, who else is in with me on spamming Womb?

      [Melissa ducks and runs away before she can be smacked].

  6. Nooooo! You can't stop commenting!! I'll have you know that you are the top commenter on my blog. I am second. There are approximately three commenters. The third one is selling russian wives, or something....

    (BTW, I have copied this comment because I know for damnsure it won't let me post because it says I do not "own" knockuout.wordpress. I beg to differ, Wordpress.)

  7. Also? Where's my avatar? What is that shit next to my name??

  8. No, please don't give up on the comenting. I for one adore your comments and am happy to attempt to give wordpress a good kick in the rear if it shall help in any way?


  9. Oh I noticed the Wordpress thing just a couple of days irritating. Of course, I have a WP account, but now that is one new thing to sign into before I comment, and so many of my regulars are on darn irritating.

    The Google captcha? I pat my back if I can get it correct in the first go....

  10. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Thank you. That shout is because I thought I was the only one, and I've been googling to try to find the solution. I couldn't find anyone else going through this. I've been getting around it by using a different email address, but it's really annoying.

  11. I have found it really hard to comment lately. I give up half the time.

  12. Gah, seriously, I was so dang annoyed last week. I kept on getting that same notice over and over again and emailed several people to take me off their black list or spam list. They were all "no, babe, you're not on those lists" and I replied "Whatever, just let me comment and I swear I won't curse on your blog anymore."

    Good to know I can keep on cursing on blogs.

  13. Me too. Same issue. I honestly think it's a conspiracy. I'm not sure what the conspiracy is FOR, but it's dark and mysterious, no doubt.

  14. Didn't you know that computers are there to make mankind insane? Didn't you watch Battlestar Galactica? Just kidding. I've worked in IT since the early 1990s. We used to joke about sacrificing chickens to the computer gods so the stuff would work. I'm not suggesting that, but, sometimes putting a small Cthulhu near a computer did seem to cause various networking issues to go away. Maybe it would work for the Wordpress issue?

  15. Like you I hate the Wordpress thing at the moment. I equally hate the sites that use Disqus, as I can't seem to comment with my blogger profile. And I hate the sites that only let me comment with my blogger profile, when I want to use my wordpress one. (I have too many blogs - I comment with my infertility blog for some, and my wordpress on others). It's frustrating.

  16. I would be oh-so-sad if you were unable to leave comments anymore! You are one of the best commenters around.

    Did the problem resolve?

  17. Yes, you are a prolific commenter. I will never have damn captcha (sp?) on my blog. Wordpress made me log in to comment on the last blog, and I removed the part and it worked. I think a cat just farted in my bedroom. Gross.

  18. Well, clearly its working for you again! Thanks for the comment, it was so nice to come back to blogging and have such a nice welcome

  19. That happens to me with Wordpress sometimes too. I just sign in under my Twitter account when it does. And Captcha - don't get me started!

  20. Thanks for popping by my blog and saying hi. Ug, I hate this, I just wish whatever blogsite you want to comment on there could be one log in and one profile. It would be so much simpler.

  21. Have you stopped blogging forever? Or do you live somewhere else in the blogosphere that I don't know about? Regardless, thanks for always reading and joining in on my blog. I really appreciate it!

  22. I popped over here from your Bloggess comment because I wanted to see your WordPress thoughts (just switched from Blogger) and now I'm honestly a little pissed off you aren't commenting on my blog, since you seem to be one of the most sought-after commenters. You are like the Justin Bieber or Charlie Sheen or Pope of commenting. Come on over, say what you want: For the record, I don't have captchas enabled. On purpose, anyway.
