Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's true...

I'm an addict.

Our computer network at work was down today. I felt restless and completely unsettled all day. I had plenty of work to do that didn't require a computer, but I was still twitchy. Sigh.

How addicted are you?


  1. Hopelessly addicted, I own that.
    Your fellow computer junkie, M

  2. I'm an addict to, internet, blog, facebook you name it! Sign me up for Internet Anonymous

  3. I some times need a fix so badly that I use my phone which is crappy.
    : )

  4. If I'm at home and service becomes unavailable, I become quite disturbed, but in special situations--like the recent move--I can go a few days. But now we have wireless and here I am, using it!

  5. It hits me hardest when I want an answer to something...pronto! Whether its a number, a map, a recommendation, a pic. I can hardly remember the good ol' days when we had to go to the library or use a phonebook.

    I was totally addicted to those stupid silly games on FB. I just wanted to WIN! I couldn't stand losing to my other friends (not competitive at all :) I finally gave it up cuz it drove DH nutty. It was SO liberating.

  6. I am so addicted, that when our internet went down for a full day at my work, I had my phone out on my desk so I could access google/facebook/email during every spare 5 minutes I had!

    Right there with you in the addiction!

  7. I am totaly addicted.... I have to be up in a few hours to head to work but I am still on the computer LOL!!

  8. Please- the internet goes down and I start worrying about the end of the world. Addict? Check!

  9. I can't even remember how I managed to survive in those dark, dark pre-internet days.

  10. I am so bad- I refuse to stay at hotels without wifi- and when I go to someone's house and they don't have wifi I think they are probably Amish- it has gotten worse with the addition of my iphone- man someone needs to take these things away from me.

  11. I don't want to talk about it.

  12. Like Niobe, I cannot remember life before Internet, although I'm pretty sure I lived it.

    Which begs the question: if something happens and nobody blogs about it, what's the point?

  13. Yup, addicted. Check my email umpteen times a day, facebook a couple. Don't use my phone for internet though, so I guess that's points off if I'm aiming for a life-threatening addiction here.

    YOU can't be extremely addicted- I don't see you blogging every day, like some people on my blogroll do!

    Thanks for always commenting on mine, BTW. x

  14. Crazy addicted. I spent a lot of time online while breastfeeding, yet when the husband gets home, I still wanna go online more!

  15. Hmmmm are you refering to computer addiction or to any addiction? While I enjoy my computer and having acess to anything anytime, I am not addicted. I am however addicted to coffee. Specifically Starbucks.

    But isnt that the same?

  16. i'm so addicted with computer since i started having my own laptop..Hardly parting with it,until i got bodyache..hu2..
