Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Show and Tell - Farm Life

My husband dreams of running a farm. This provides some conflict with my minimum living requirements (city water and city sewers), so he must look elsewhere for someone to share his dream. I've always known that my daughter was very similar to her father, but this past weekend, I found out that she even shares his interest in farming.

We went to my SIL's house for lunch - we hadn't been there in a while, and didn't know that they had added a sheep to their chicken collection. When my SIL's husband offered to take the kids out to see the sheep, my daughter was practically beside herself with excitement.

You may notice that my daughter is running after the sheep - she must have chased him around for 20 minutes. She also renamed him - she was calling him Fartigo (FAR-dee-go). His name is Smoky. This is another thing she has in common with her father - she's always making up new nicknames for people and things.

Now go and see what everyone else is bringing to Show and Tell.


  1. My 2 year old has to chase everything. He tackled a wallaby once.
    My husband wants to be a farmer, I told him to have fun I'd visit when I could. Not the life for me.
    How did she come up with Fartigo?

  2. That is so cute that your daughter shares so much in common with her dad. BTW, my boys would love her name for the sheep but would pronounce it Fart-igo...LOL.

  3. HAHA too cute. what Fartigo must have been thinking!

  4. Lol. That is awesome. Oh the lovely things I have to look forward to.

  5. How very nice....I love your Show and Tell, and I am so glad that your family had such a wonderful time!

  6. too adorable. I think farm life is better imagined and fantasized about than actually lived...

  7. How Adorable!! Your little girl is so precious! I love this picture of her chasing after Fartigo. (Much cuter name than Smoky btw.)
    I have no desire for anything else that Smells and requires care on my part.

  8. That is just the cutest thing to see her chasing after the sheep! And renaming it sits perfectly with me! :)

  9. Extreeeeme cuteness!
    Fartigo, the Sheep - so creative.

  10. That is so cute. Your minimum living requirements are alot less than mine. I am such a city girl, girl. Missed ya!

  11. So adorable! I always thought those were my living requirements... now i have neither! Well water and septic tank for me. How'd that happen I wonder?

  12. Awww how sweet!

    I have the same living requirements but my other half dreams of his own small holding one day I guess we'll see where life takes us. :-)

  13. Fartigo! So cute. If I have a pet sheep I shall totally call it Fartigo.

    I grew up on a farm. I am so over the farm. I hated the farm. I hated the rising before dawn and the endless animal dung and the hoeing and weeding and watering and back-breaking tomato picking/ potato digging/ olive picking, every season something new to spend all day and half the night collecting or mending or cleaning or feeding gah.

    And yet, if someone asked me if I wanted to see the sheep, I'd still squeeee with excitement and run after them. *sigh*.

  14. I love the new name :-) I think I have a lot in common with your husband and daughter. Though I love the IDEA of the farm, but know that it wouldn't work with me in reality.

  15. Love it. You can't go wrong with a sheep and a toddler. :)

  16. How flipping cute is that???!!!

  17. I'm LAMO at a mental image I have of her chasing a sheep! Awesome!

  18. That's some name. I might start calling random people "Fartigo."

    And then run like hell.

  19. My siblings and I have always wanted a farm. And I've wanted a big old Victorian farmhouse with peeling paint and a big swing on the porch. Oh, and pack of puppies that hang out in the backyard, too. :)

  20. Wahahaaah !! What a lovely name, she has imagination. :)
    I think that people are in love with the bucolic, relaxed, sunny and provider of life idea of the farm. In relaity, farmers are poor and have a high rate of suicide. It's a stressful life.

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